Finding a photographer, videographer, or a graphic designer can often feel like a time-consuming task. Whether it’s scrolling through countless social media profiles, navigating through various directory platforms, or constantly seeking referrals, the process can be overwhelming. With Funnel, this tedious process is transformed into and efficient funneled down experience to save you time!


Funnel crafts a personalized list of creators tailored precisely to your needs, enabling you to search for freelancers based on their location, review their references, explore their specialties, work examples, and pricing, saving you the effort of manually sifting through each portfolio.

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Once your custom list of creatives based on your preferences is generated, you can seamlessly explore each freelancer’s portfolio within Funnel. Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about them – from their skill set and biography to contact information and social media presence – all conveniently integrated into their profile, right at your fingertips!

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